
Filtering SwiftData Models Using Enum


Enums are a powerful feature in Swift, allowing developers to define a type with a fixed set of values. When working with SwiftData, Apple’s modern persistence framework designed to replace Core Data, integrating enums can simplify code and improve clarity. However, SwiftData introduces certain limitations when it comes to querying models using enums directly.

In this article, we’ll explore how to filter SwiftData models using an enum. Starting with an example scenario of filtering expense items by type, we’ll address the challenges and limitations of using enums with SwiftData, and provide a step-by-step solution to overcome these obstacles. Along the way, we’ll demonstrate how to maintain the advantages of enums, like type safety and computed properties, while ensuring compatibility with SwiftData.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to work around SwiftData’s limitations and implement dynamic filtering using enums effectively. Let’s dive in!

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Imagine a scenario where you need to filter expense items by their type. While expense types can vary, for this example, we’ll focus on two categories: business and personal. Below is the implementation of the ExpenseItem and ExpenseType structures:

enum ExpenseType: Int, Codable, CaseIterable, Identifiable {
    case business, personal

    var id: Self { self }
    var title: String {
        switch self {
        case .business:
            return "Business"
        case .personal:
            return "Personal"

class ExpenseItem: Identifiable {
    var name: String
    var type: ExpenseType
    init(name: String, type: ExpenseType) { = name
        self.type = type

The ExpenseType enum conforms to Codable, as required for inclusion in a SwiftData model.

Next, we define a previewContainer to supply data for SwiftUI previews. The implementation is shown below:

var previewContainer: ModelContainer = {
    let container = try! ModelContainer(for: ExpenseItem.self, configurations: ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true))
    for expenseItem in SampleData.expenseItems {

    return container

struct SampleData {
    static var expenseItems: [ExpenseItem] {
        return [
            ExpenseItem(name: "Office Supplies", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Groceries", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Client Lunch", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Movie Ticket", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Software Subscription", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Gasoline", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Conference Fee", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Dinner Out", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Marketing Materials", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Clothing", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Travel Expenses", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Household Repairs", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Consulting Fees", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Entertainment", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Equipment Purchase", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Personal Care", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Training Course", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Hobbies", type: .personal),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Legal Fees", type: .business),
            ExpenseItem(name: "Gifts", type: .personal)


Next, we implemented the user interface, which includes a segmented control for selecting the expense type and a list that dynamically displays expenses based on the selected type.

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var selectedExpenseType: ExpenseType = .business
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Picker("Select expense type", selection: $selectedExpenseType) {
                    ForEach(ExpenseType.allCases) { expenseType in

            ExpenseItemSearchResults(expenseType: selectedExpenseType)

The ExpenseItemSearchResults class handles dynamically fetching expense items based on the user’s selection. Here’s the implementation:

struct ExpenseItemSearchResults: View {
    let expenseType: ExpenseType
    @Query private var expenseItems: [ExpenseItem]
    init(expenseType: ExpenseType) {
        self.expenseType = expenseType
        _expenseItems = Query(filter: #Predicate { $0.type == expenseType })
    var body: some View {
        List(expenseItems) { expenseItem in
            HStack {

The core of this dynamic query lies in the initializer, where we assign _expenseItems to a new query that updates based on the user’s selection. However, if you run this code as is, you’ll notice it displays an empty list.

This behavior is a limitation of SwiftData, as it does not inherently recognize the need to map the rawValue of the expenseType enum to its corresponding database column.

The solution is to use the rawValue of the ExpenseType instead of the enum itself.

The updated implementation is shown below:

class ExpenseItem: Identifiable {
    var name: String
    var type: Int
    var expenseType: ExpenseType {
        ExpenseType(rawValue: type) ?? .business
    init(name: String, expenseType: ExpenseType) { = name
        self.type = expenseType.rawValue

We retained the expenseType enum as a computed property in the ExpenseItem model. This approach allows seamless access to properties like title, which are part of the ExpenseType enum.

ExpenseItemSearchResults is also updated as shown below:

struct ExpenseItemSearchResults: View {
    let expenseType: ExpenseType
    @Query private var expenseItems: [ExpenseItem]
    init(expenseType: ExpenseType) {
        self.expenseType = expenseType
        _expenseItems = Query(filter: #Predicate { $0.type == expenseType.rawValue })
    var body: some View {
        List(expenseItems) { expenseItem in
            HStack {

As you can see that now the #Predicate is based on the Int properties. This allows the predicate to work as expected and display filtered items based on the user selection.


Enums in Swift provide an elegant way to define and manage a fixed set of values, making them an ideal choice for representing data types like ExpenseType. However, when using SwiftData, certain limitations arise, such as its inability to directly map an enum’s rawValue to the underlying database column during queries.

In this article, we explored these challenges and demonstrated a practical solution by replacing the enum property in the model with its rawValue while retaining the enum as a computed property. This approach allows us to leverage the benefits of enums, such as readability and type safety, while ensuring seamless integration with SwiftData.

By combining this solution with dynamic filtering and SwiftUI’s declarative design, we created an interactive and user-friendly interface for displaying filtered results. This method not only resolves the compatibility issues with SwiftData but also maintains clean and efficient code.

As SwiftData continues to evolve, we can hope for better support for enums in the future. Until then, the techniques demonstrated here provide a reliable way to work around its current limitations. With this knowledge, you’re well-equipped to build robust and dynamic data-driven applications in Swift.